Арайлым Италияда ән шырқайды

Бәйдібек ауданындағы «Майбұлақ» жалпы білім беретін мектебінің 10-сынып оқушысы Арайлым Мұратбайқызы – кез-келген іс-шараның басында жүретін белсенді, оқу үлгерімі жақсы оқушы. Ол бірнеше жылдан бері Дүйсенәлі Бесбаев жетекшілік ететін «Ән-күй» үйірмесіне үзбей қатысып келеді.
Арайлым осы жылдың басында Бәйдібек аудандық мәдениет бөлімінің ұйымдастыруымен өткен «Арай – 2024» байқауында эстрадалық ән орындау сайысына қатысып, бірінші орынды жеңіп алды. Талапты қыздың болашағынан мол үміт күтіп отырған аудандық білім бөлімінің әдіскері Айнұр Түйменова Арайлымға республикалық «Жауқазын» байқауына қатысуды ұсынған еді. Талантты қыз тәжірибелі ұстазының үмітін ақтады. Шымкент қаласында өткен «Жарқыра, самға, жас талант!» атты өнерлі балалар байқауының республикалық байқауында вокал жанры бойынша өнер көрсетіп, топ жарды. Сол байқауда Стамбул қаласында өтетін «Жібек жолы» байқауына жолдама алған еді. Арайлым бұл байқауда да үздік шығып, бас жүлдені иеленіп, Италияға жолдама алды. Ендігі жерде Арайлым итальяндықтарды да өз өнерімен тәнті етпек.
Айта кетейік, Арайлымның сыныптасы Айғаным Әмірханқызы Түркістан қаласында өткен «Түркі әлемінің тірегі – Түркістан» атты байқауға вокал жанры бойынша қатысып, Стамбулға жолдама алған еді. Бірақ, өкінішке қарай, белгілі себептермен Түркияға бара алмады.
Талантты қыздарды өнерге баулыған ұстаздары Дүйсенәлі Бесбаевтың еңбегін ерекше атап өткен жөн. Ол даярлаған шәкірттер түрлі деңгейдегі байқауларда топ жарып жүр.
Озатбек АЙГӨБЕК,
ардагер ұстаз.
Бәйдібек ауданы.
Lukas Bolton
Stolen Crypto Assets recovered by Morphohack@cyberservices. com It is my pleasure to share this wonderful news about Morphohack Cybersecurity, a well-known security company, reliable and trusted for their crypto recovery services, I was unfortunate to fall victim to a crypto cyber attack that saw me lose all my crypto assets and left in a terrible loss, I thought I was never going to get back my assets until I came across a advert about Morphohack Cybersecurity on the internet, I contacted them and immediately I was told to provide all the necessary information which I did. It took Morphohack 72 hours to recover my crypto assets and helped me secure my wallet. I’m here to share their splendid work and my experience with them, you can contact them via the following: E-Mail: MORPHOHACK@cyberservices. com // Whats-App: (+1 2 1 3. 6 7 2. 4 0 9 2) // Web-Site: MORPHOHACK. wixsite. com/cyber
Laurie Hill
Hello, Please everyone should be careful and stop being deceived by all these brokers and account managers, they scammed me over $265,000 of my investment capital, and they kept on requesting extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk had declined, and I found it very hard to move on. God so kind I followed a broadcast that teaches how scammed victims can recover their funds, I contacted a recovery company known as SPYHOST CYBER SECURITY COMPANY . They are such a very good company as they are so reliable, transparent, skilled and responsive. I contacted them and I got feedback after some hours as I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover 80% of my money back. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it with the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back. Anyways, just incase you are going through such plight, do not hesitate to reach them via; Email: Spyhost@cyberdude.com Whatsapp: +1(228) 313 -3152 Website;https://spyhost.wixsite.com/spyhost
Kristen Andrew
IT WAS GREAT IDEA IN CONTACTING FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY FOR RECOVERING MY LOST ON CRYPT0. My husband lost a staggering $37,000 in a forex trading scam, and for a while, we believed that our hard-earned funds were gone forever. This wasn’t just any money, it was the savings we had set aside for our honeymoon, a gift from family and friends after our recent marriage in 2025. We had carefully planned for our first vacation together, excited to start our new life as a couple. When the scam happened, it felt like our dreams were shattered, and we were left feeling devastated and helpless. Like many others who fall victim to such schemes, we spent countless hours searching for ways to recover our money, but everything seemed futile. After exhausting all options on our own, I decided to conduct more in-depth research on recovery services. Among the numerous options, one name consistently stood out: Folkwin Expert Recovery. They had a strong reputation for successfully recovering funds from scams, particularly those involving forex trading. Despite hearing of many similar services, something about Folkwin Expert Recovery gave me hope. Still, I was understandably skeptical. The idea of recovering lost money seemed like an impossible task. But after a detailed conversation with their team, and after explaining our situation in full, I felt a sense of renewed optimism. They assured me they could help, promising to investigate our case thoroughly and work toward recovering our funds within 24 to 72 hours. True to their word, Folkwin Expert Recovery acted swiftly. Their team worked diligently, reviewing all of the transaction details, communications with the scam broker, and any additional information we had. They kept us informed throughout the process, providing updates regularly, which helped alleviate some of the stress we were feeling. To our astonishment, within just 72 hours, Folkwin Expert Recovery had successfully recovered $32,000 out of the $37,000 we had lost. The results exceeded our expectations, and we were overjoyed to have a significant portion of our funds returned. What truly impressed us was the transparency and dedication Folkwin Expert Recovery demonstrated. Not only did they recover a large portion of our lost funds, but they also restored our faith in the possibility of recovering money from such scams. We had almost given up hope, assuming that we would never see our vacation money again. But Folkwin Expert Recovery made the impossible possible. Their professionalism and commitment to their clients were evident at every step, and we couldn’t be more grateful. If you've fallen victim to a forex trading scam or any similar fraudulent investment schemes, I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to Folkwinexpertrecovery(@)tech-center. c om OR WhatsApp +1 740-705-0711. Their team is experienced in recovering lost funds, and based on my experience, I’m confident they can help you as well. Don’t lose hope contact Folkwin Expert Recovery, and you may find yourself recovering your lost funds just as we did, restoring not just your finances but also your peace of mind. Warm greetings, Kristen Andrew.
Kristen Andrew
IT WAS GREAT IDEA IN CONTACTING FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY FOR RECOVERING MY LOST ON CRYPT0. My husband lost a staggering $37,000 in a forex trading scam, and for a while, we believed that our hard-earned funds were gone forever. This wasn’t just any money, it was the savings we had set aside for our honeymoon, a gift from family and friends after our recent marriage in 2025. We had carefully planned for our first vacation together, excited to start our new life as a couple. When the scam happened, it felt like our dreams were shattered, and we were left feeling devastated and helpless. Like many others who fall victim to such schemes, we spent countless hours searching for ways to recover our money, but everything seemed futile. After exhausting all options on our own, I decided to conduct more in-depth research on recovery services. Among the numerous options, one name consistently stood out: Folkwin Expert Recovery. They had a strong reputation for successfully recovering funds from scams, particularly those involving forex trading. Despite hearing of many similar services, something about Folkwin Expert Recovery gave me hope. Still, I was understandably skeptical. The idea of recovering lost money seemed like an impossible task. But after a detailed conversation with their team, and after explaining our situation in full, I felt a sense of renewed optimism. They assured me they could help, promising to investigate our case thoroughly and work toward recovering our funds within 24 to 72 hours. True to their word, Folkwin Expert Recovery acted swiftly. Their team worked diligently, reviewing all of the transaction details, communications with the scam broker, and any additional information we had. They kept us informed throughout the process, providing updates regularly, which helped alleviate some of the stress we were feeling. To our astonishment, within just 72 hours, Folkwin Expert Recovery had successfully recovered $32,000 out of the $37,000 we had lost. The results exceeded our expectations, and we were overjoyed to have a significant portion of our funds returned. What truly impressed us was the transparency and dedication Folkwin Expert Recovery demonstrated. Not only did they recover a large portion of our lost funds, but they also restored our faith in the possibility of recovering money from such scams. We had almost given up hope, assuming that we would never see our vacation money again. But Folkwin Expert Recovery made the impossible possible. Their professionalism and commitment to their clients were evident at every step, and we couldn’t be more grateful. If you've fallen victim to a forex trading scam or any similar fraudulent investment schemes, I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to Folkwinexpertrecovery(@)tech-center. c om OR WhatsApp +1 740-705-0711. Their team is experienced in recovering lost funds, and based on my experience, I’m confident they can help you as well. Don’t lose hope contact Folkwin Expert Recovery, and you may find yourself recovering your lost funds just as we did, restoring not just your finances but also your peace of mind. Warm greetings, Kristen Andrew.
HOW TO RECOVER MONEY LOST TO A FAKE INVESTMENT PLATFORM INTERNET HIRE FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY. It is so easy to make mistakes while traveling: you are excited, distracted, and sometimes a bit too casual with your security. That's precisely what happened when I accessed my Bitcoin wallet on a public Wi-Fi network during a trip. I sat in a café, sipping my coffee, thinking, "What could go wrong?" Spoiler alert: everything. I logged in to my wallet, just checking balances and making a few small transfers. But the moment I got on the public network, a hacker struck. I had stupidly left the door wide open, and someone dove in. By the time I tried to log out and lock everything down, it was too late-I was shut out of my $250,000 Bitcoin wallet. The panic set in faster than I could react. How had I been so careless? Public Wi-Fi is notorious for being unsecured, and yet I took that risk. I had always heard the horror stories of people losing their crypto to hackers, but I never thought it would happen to me. I felt like a complete idiot. But thankfully, this is where the story turns around. I knew I needed help, and I needed it fast. That's when I called FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY. They got back to me in no time, and to my relief, their team didn't judge me; they just got down to work. I told them my situation-a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. Yet, the calm and professional composure of the people made me feel everything would be alright. They told me then that they had dealt with worse and would recover my money. In the days that followed, a call came from FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY -it was the news I had been praying for. My wallet had been recovered, and my $250,000, which I'd thought I lost, was safe and sound. I cannot even explain it. Suddenly, a load was lifted off my shoulders. But that was not all. FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY not only recovered my funds but also took the time to explain how I could protect my wallet while on the road. Now, I always use a VPN when connecting to public Wi-Fi, and I am so much more careful with my security practices. It’s amazing how a single moment of carelessness can lead to disaster, but I’m grateful for FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY’s expertise in saving me from my own mistake. I’m smarter now, and my Bitcoin wallet is safer than ever. Contact Details below: WhatsApp:+1 (740)705-0711 or email: FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY @ TECH-CENTER (dot) COM for assistance. Thanks, Shirley Davis.
Assets retrieval
SCAMS CAN TAKE MANY FORMS, BUT ALL SHARE A COMMON GOAL: TAKING YOUR MONEY Fraud can happen in many ways—whether it's binary options scams, love scams, forex fraud, crypto investment schemes, or loan scams. If you’ve been a victim of any of these, it's easy to feel confused and overwhelmed by the different financial institutions and legal processes involved in recovery. The journey to reclaim your stolen funds can often be frustrating and difficult to manage on your own. The recovery process usually involves navigating complex legal and financial systems, which can be even more challenging without experience. In such cases, it’s crucial to seek professional help from a trusted firm specializing in fund recovery. “ **YOUR CHANCES OF RECOVERY DEPENDS ON THE RIGHT FIRM** “ The success of recovering your stolen funds largely depends on the firm you choose to work with. Unfortunately, the internet is full of fraudulent companies pretending to be recovery firms. These scammers often use misleading tactics and false promises to deceive victims, claiming they can recover lost funds when in fact, they are just after more of your money. “ **BE CAUTIOUS OF IMPERSONATORS AND SCAMS** ” Many scammers impersonate legitimate firms and use deceptive tactics such as creating fake email addresses with numbers or claiming to have recovered funds for others. It's essential to be vigilant and carefully select a reputable firm with proven expertise. “ **WARNING: Five Websites to Avoid** ” Here are five of the most disputed websites that you should avoid at all costs: 1. **ROYALCFD.COM** 2. **APP.DHY-GLOBAL.US** 3. **SCAMRECTIFY.ORG** 4. **INVESTCRYPTO.ORG** 5. **CRYPTOEXCHANGE.COM** These websites are often linked to fraudulent activities and should not be trusted. Always verify the legitimacy of any platform before engaging with them. **Official Contact Information** Please be advised that we only operate through one official website and email address: - Website: **[assetsretrievalboard.com](http://assetsretrievalboard.com)** - Email: **info@assetsretrievalboard.com** Our team includes experienced professionals who will thoroughly investigate your case and utilize advanced artificial intelligence strategies to help resolve your issue and recover your funds. **Rest Assured, Your Recovery is Our Priority** If you’ve fallen victim to fraud, don’t try to handle the recovery process on your own. Trust an experienced and reputable firm to maximize your chances of success. © 2025. [Assetsretrievalboard.com] All rights reserved
Patrick Adams
BEST CRYPTO BTC/ETH RECOVERY SERVICES BY WEB GENIE RECOVERY SERVICES How I got scammed and lost all my retirement funds, I can say it feels really bad to be a victim of those scammers that have no remorse for their actions. It’s important to report any scam incidents to the appropriate authorities but unfortunately most law enforcement agencies finds it difficult to help in the recovery process, it was so difficult to move on and almost committing suicide. During a good weekend, I was listening to a broadcast that explained how scam victims can use https://w w w. webgenierecovery. com, to get their money back. After contacting the provided information for advice, I received a response within a short period of time and was asked to provide all pertinent legal documents and information regarding the scam process, all payments slips, and other relevant documents. I can say that it feels really bad to be a victim of those scammers who have no remorse for their actions. It's important to report any scam incidents to the appropriate authorities, but regrettably, most law enforcement agencies find it difficult to assist in the recovery process.I declared that I would not keep this information to myself but will instead divulge it to the public in order to help all scam victims. This is a significant victory over this online scammers. Contact email: https://w w w. webgenierecovery. com, +1 (918) 809-0113 on WhatsApp; @webgenierecovery on Telegram; webgenierecoverys@protonmail.me OR webgenierecovery@outlook.com
Alfred Alekseer
I was scammed of my hard-earned money and lost $621,532 in Bitcoin when my cryptocurrency investment ended up in the wrong hands. After learning that it could not be located or recovered, I was on the verge of giving up when I came across a Google post about a real hacker at Recovery Nerd Agency, a Digital Assets Recovery Agency that also functions as a Crypto Recovery Agency and recovers stolen funds. After collaborating with them, I was astonished to see that they had successfully recovered $621,532, which represents my whole Bitcoin loss. The fact that I was able to retrieve all of my lost Bitcoin makes me really happy and thankful. Call their helpline right now at: WhatsApp: +6(488) 893-280 Email: RECOVERYNERD@MAIL.COM
Isabella Pichler
Following two unsuccessful attempts to recover my stolen USDT, I gave up on ever getting it back until Recovery Nerd was suggested on Quora. I was extremely happy to find the article because they were able to recover 95% of my stolen USDT, so I thought I would share it with anyone else who might be in need of their services. Their email address is recoverynerd AT mail DOT com.
Mattat Rull
The Brunoe Quick Hack: Your Ally in the Quest for Lost Bitcoin When the unthinkable happens and your precious Bitcoin somehow slips through your fingers, vanishing into the vast, unforgiving digital ether, it can feel utterly hopeless. But fear not, for the Brunoe Quick Hack is here to be your steadfast companion on the daunting journey to recover those lost crypto riches. This ingenious, meticulously crafted tool is the product of years of research, coding, and experimentation by a team of blockchain security experts who understand the high-stakes, nail-biting panic of misplacing your Bitcoin. The Brunoe Quick Hack leverages advanced cryptographic techniques and machine learning algorithms to comb through the blockchain, leaving no digital stone unturned in the pursuit of your missing coins. With an intuitive user interface and lightning-fast processing power, this remarkable software empowers even crypto novices to take their recovery efforts into their own hands, leaving no avenue unexplored in the quest to resurrect their lost Bitcoin holdings. Whether you accidentally sent your funds to the wrong wallet address, fell victim to a devious hacking scheme, or simply can't locate your private keys, the Brunoe Quick Hack is an invaluable ally ready to spring into action and restore your financial security. So don't lose hope when the unthinkable happens - let this revolutionary tool guide you through the blockchain's labyrinth and reclaim what is rightfully yours. If you want more information, please call: Do you need their service? Text them on Whatsapp + (1) 705 784 26 35 Email: Brunoequickhack (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM Website: brunoequickhack.COM Good Day.