Жас өрендер жарқырай көрінді

Таяуда «Жастар лигасы» атты робототехника сайысы өтіп, оған барлығы 10 команда қатысты. Оқушылардың шығармашылық белсенділігін дамытуды көздеген іс-шараны облыстық қоғамдық даму басқармасының «Жастар ресурстық орталығы» ұйымдастырды. Соңғы жылдары оқушылар арасында робототехникаға қызығушылық артқан. Дарынды жастарды инженерлік кәсіпке тарту бұл іс-шараның басты мақсаты болыпты. «Осылайша дарынды балаларды анықтап, оларды қолдап отыру қажет» дейді ұйымдастырушылар.

Қазақ «Шеберлікке шек жоқ» демей ме?! Он саусағынан өнер тамған жастар Леңгір қаласындағы №7 ІТ мектеп-лицейінде бас қосып, өз өнерлерін ортаға салды. «Жастар ресурстық орталығы» мекемесі басшысының орынбасары Пердебек Сержан­ұлы жиналғандарға сайыстың өту тәртібін түсіндірді.
Байқауға қатысушылар Arduino жиынтығымен машина құрастырып, оған өздері бағдарлама орнатып, құрастырған көліктері арнайы кедергілерден өтті. Білікті жастардың қабілеті осылайша тағы бір мәрте шыңдалды. Жаңа, тың идеяларымен бөліскендер де табылды. Жас шеберлердің еңбегін білікті маман-әділқазылар бағалады.
Байқау қорытындысында бірінші  орынды Төлеби ауданының жастары жеңіп алып, 500 мың теңге сыйлыққа ие болды. Екінші орынды еншілеген Кентау жастарына – 300 мың, үшінші орын алған бәйдібектіктерге 200 мың теңге сыйлық тапсырылды.

Облыс әкімінің
баспасөз қызметі.

10 пікір

  • Joanne

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  • Chad Pedrad
    Chad Pedrad

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  • John Larry
    John Larry

    Best Ways To Recover Funds From Crypto and Bitcoin Scam 2024 If you find yourself in a situation where you have lost your cryptocurrency to a fraudulent investment and are in need of recovery, I highly recommend reaching out to MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY. I personally experienced a devastating financial loss due to a cryptocurrency scam, leaving me bankrupt and borrowing money from everyone I knew. However, after conducting some online research, I discovered MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY, a reputable organization specializing in bitcoin recovery. I wasted no time in contacting them and providing all the necessary details regarding the scam that wiped out my savings. To my amazement, MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY was able to recover my lost funds within a mere 37 hours. I cannot express enough gratitude for their dedicated efforts and I wholeheartedly endorse their services to anyone facing a similar predicament. You can reach them via WhatsApp at +1 (347) 470-7678, email them at support@mayermuskrecoveries.com or visit their webpage at https://mayermuskrecoveries.com

  • John Larry
    John Larry

    Best Ways To Recover Funds From Crypto and Bitcoin Scam 2024 If you find yourself in a situation where you have lost your cryptocurrency to a fraudulent investment and are in need of recovery, I highly recommend reaching out to MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY. I personally experienced a devastating financial loss due to a cryptocurrency scam, leaving me bankrupt and borrowing money from everyone I knew. However, after conducting some online research, I discovered MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY, a reputable organization specializing in bitcoin recovery. I wasted no time in contacting them and providing all the necessary details regarding the scam that wiped out my savings. To my amazement, MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY was able to recover my lost funds within a mere 37 hours. I cannot express enough gratitude for their dedicated efforts and I wholeheartedly endorse their services to anyone facing a similar predicament. You can reach them via WhatsApp at +1 (347) 470-7678, email them at support@mayermuskrecoveries.com or visit their webpage at https://mayermuskrecoveries.com

  • John Larry
    John Larry

    Best Ways To Recover Funds From Crypto and Bitcoin Scam 2024 If you find yourself in a situation where you have lost your cryptocurrency to a fraudulent investment and are in need of recovery, I highly recommend reaching out to MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY. I personally experienced a devastating financial loss due to a cryptocurrency scam, leaving me bankrupt and borrowing money from everyone I knew. However, after conducting some online research, I discovered MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY, a reputable organization specializing in bitcoin recovery. I wasted no time in contacting them and providing all the necessary details regarding the scam that wiped out my savings. To my amazement, MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY was able to recover my lost funds within a mere 37 hours. I cannot express enough gratitude for their dedicated efforts and I wholeheartedly endorse their services to anyone facing a similar predicament. You can reach them via WhatsApp at +1 (347) 470-7678, email them at support@mayermuskrecoveries.com or visit their webpage at https://mayermuskrecoveries.com

  • John Larry
    John Larry

    Best Ways To Recover Funds From Crypto and Bitcoin Scam 2024 If you find yourself in a situation where you have lost your cryptocurrency to a fraudulent investment and are in need of recovery, I highly recommend reaching out to MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY. I personally experienced a devastating financial loss due to a cryptocurrency scam, leaving me bankrupt and borrowing money from everyone I knew. However, after conducting some online research, I discovered MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY, a reputable organization specializing in bitcoin recovery. I wasted no time in contacting them and providing all the necessary details regarding the scam that wiped out my savings. To my amazement, MAYERMUSK RECOVERY COMPANY was able to recover my lost funds within a mere 37 hours. I cannot express enough gratitude for their dedicated efforts and I wholeheartedly endorse their services to anyone facing a similar predicament. You can reach them via WhatsApp at +1 (347) 470-7678, email them at support@mayermuskrecoveries.com or visit their webpage at https://mayermuskrecoveries.com

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    Abigail Kelly

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  • Lucas Marc
    Lucas Marc

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  • Lucas Marc
    Lucas Marc

    HACKER MAYER-MUSK RECOVERY EXPERT: HOME ARE CURRENTLY RESTORING LOST BITCOINS TO SCAM VICTIMS BACK. How do I recover my defrauded Bitcoin? How can I get my stolen Bitcoin back? Can lost cryptocurrency be recovered? Can I get my stolen or scammed cryptocurrency back? Which is the finest cryptocurrency recovery service? Is there any way to get money back from a scammer? Can I get my defrauded cryptocurrency back? Cryptocurrency Scam Recovery // Recover Lost Funds // Failed Crypto Investment. How To Hire A Hacker To Get Back Stolen Crypto Coins // Hire A Hacker To Recover Lost Or Stolen Bitcoin/NFT // Assistance I Can't Access My USDT Account; It Appears I Was Hacked // Bitcoin Recovery Expert Required// MAYER MUSK RECOVERY EXPERT has an established track record of successful Bitcoin recovery cases. They have a highly trained and seasoned staff of professionals that are well-reversed. Scammers employ cutting-edge strategies and technology. MAYER MUSK RECOVERY EXPERT uses advanced technology and approaches to recover lost Bitcoin, distinguishing them from other recovery professionals. Their crew is continually updating their expertise and skills to keep ahead of scammers and to ensure that their clients' lost Bitcoin is recovered. Whats App // Text : +1(347)470-7678 Email: Support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website: https://mayermuskrecoveries.com HIRE MAYER MUSK RECOVERY EXPERT FOR SAFE RECOVERY HELP

  • Lucas Marc
    Lucas Marc

    HACKER MAYER-MUSK RECOVERY EXPERT: HOME ARE CURRENTLY RESTORING LOST BITCOINS TO SCAM VICTIMS BACK. How do I recover my defrauded Bitcoin? How can I get my stolen Bitcoin back? Can lost cryptocurrency be recovered? Can I get my stolen or scammed cryptocurrency back? Which is the finest cryptocurrency recovery service? Is there any way to get money back from a scammer? Can I get my defrauded cryptocurrency back? Cryptocurrency Scam Recovery // Recover Lost Funds // Failed Crypto Investment. How To Hire A Hacker To Get Back Stolen Crypto Coins // Hire A Hacker To Recover Lost Or Stolen Bitcoin/NFT // Assistance I Can't Access My USDT Account; It Appears I Was Hacked // Bitcoin Recovery Expert Required// MAYER MUSK RECOVERY EXPERT has an established track record of successful Bitcoin recovery cases. They have a highly trained and seasoned staff of professionals that are well-reversed. Scammers employ cutting-edge strategies and technology. MAYER MUSK RECOVERY EXPERT uses advanced technology and approaches to recover lost Bitcoin, distinguishing them from other recovery professionals. Their crew is continually updating their expertise and skills to keep ahead of scammers and to ensure that their clients' lost Bitcoin is recovered. Whats App // Text : +1(347)470-7678 Email: Support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website: https://mayermuskrecoveries.com HIRE MAYER MUSK RECOVERY EXPERT FOR SAFE RECOVERY HELP

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